TNS Custom Titleist – SOLD!
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- Description
- Tom Migliore really knocked it out of the park!
- Made from a very old beautiful Rosewood Titleist!
- 4- Rosewood Points in-to Straight Grain Maple
- Each point & the Rosewood Butt sleeve are tastefully inlayed with a series of large and small Abalone shell Diamonds that have a perfect “shimmer” under the lights……. Definitely a classy and elegant design!
- Note: The Joint, Butt Cap and Ferrules are all natural material….. This particular 5/16-14 Piloted Natural White Joint combination makes for a perfect hit!
- A Premium Wine Colored Liz wrap was chosen
- Natural / Brown / Green / Purple Veneers
- The Butt weight is 16 oz- 29 inches ( Straight)
- Two very heavy full old growth Maple shafts included!
- #1- 4.5 oz- 13 m / #2- 4.4 oz- 13 m ( 29 inch)
- The heavier Butt and shafts up front give this cue a really good “Forward Balance” that makes it a super good player……… Definitely fun to shoot with!
- Condition is really good……. Not new but well kept and looks clean and fresh….. Only a few very small marks in the finish of the butt from play, nothing serious.
- ( Everything rolls straight together and apart )
- ( No overseas shipping) No exceptions!