Eddie Cohen – SOLD!
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Big cue! Very clean! Excellent looking design. Loaded with work. A ton of top notch work went into this beautiful cue. Eddie’s work is always extra clean!
- Description
West Coast Special!
- Four Ebony points into Highly Figured Birdseye
- Gorgeous Titelist colored veneers
- Nat Brown / Teal / Purple / Razor sharp points
- Outstanding special ring work at all positions!
- White starbursts accented with Abalone shell design inlays – Very sharp looking
- Ebony Butt sleeve loaded with a massive amount of intricate inlays
- Butt Weight: 15.3 oz
- Length: 58 inches
- Wrap: Black Leather that fits like a glove!
- Joint: 3/8-10 Modified Pin
- Shafts: 3.5 oz- 13m / 3.4 oz- 12.7 m
This is a fairly new cue that has been played with but definitely taken care of. There are a couple “tiny” marks just at the shaft connection that are next to nothing. Everything else looks great! Easily a 9 of 10 for condition! Super Clean & Fresh. These are in major demand and obviously not easy to come by. Eddie has a long wait list for good reason!