Brent Summers Butterfly Cue – SOLD!
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Brent is known all over the cue industry as one of the absolute best full splice builders….. He stays booked up building blanks for some of the most known Cuemakers and rarely has the time to make complete Cues these days….. His Cues are outstanding players that look awesome! These very seldom come up for sale in the marketplace…….
The Butt Rolls perfectly straight together and apart, the shaft has a slight taper roll but the tip doesn’t come off the table when rolled. The shaft is made from some crazy good wood and plays great.
- Description
- Full Splice 60 inch! Excellent Player SET-UP
- Ebony / Cocobolo Wrapless “Slick Handled” Beauty!
- Very sharp reverse Points / Butterfly designs
- 30 inch Butt w/ Radial Pin ( Super solid Hit )
- 30 inch Curly Maple Shaft- 3.2 oz- 13 m
- Not new but well kept cue that still looks great…..
- Signed by Brent Summers 12- ’16 Butt weight 16 oz