Ariel Carmeli New – SOLD!
If you do not wish to finance / purchase this item through Affirm please contact us directly so that we can send you an invoice to pay directly with a credit card or multiple other payments options are available.If you do not wish to finance / purchase this item through Affirm please contact us directly so that we can send you an invoice to pay directly with a credit card or multiple other payments options are available.
- Description
- There is nothing as sexy as JET BLACK EBONY!
- 8 Ebony in-to Ebony points in-to a jet black Gabon Ebony front! 4- High / 4- Low w/ Natural & Black veneers.
- Signature Carmeli Tiffany Diamond rings bordered in double silver trim at all positions!
- A premium Spanish Bull wrap separates the front & back with a perfect fit & grip……..
- Gabon Ebony Butt sleeve w/ Ariel’s famous design that consists of a very intricate inlays pattern that boasts some incredible Abalone shell & white inlays!
- Each point also showcases this beautiful design!
- Butt weight- 15.1 oz- 29″ 3/8-10 Modified Pin
- Two new Unchalked / Unplayed Maple shafts included.
- #1: 3.9 oz- 13 m / #2: 3.5 oz- 13 m- Both 29″
- Highest quality Canadian Hard Rock Maple shafts with Zan Hybrid Max Tips ready to go!
- Crossroad Cues has the privilege of being one of the very few official dealers of these world class cues, we not only sell them, we proudly play with and collect them! The hit, balance and overall performance on the table are always consistently awesome!
- Due to Carmeli relocating his shop all the way across the country from California to Virginia, there have been very few cues available in the marketplace……..
- Needless to say these are extremely hard to come by! Carmeli’s stay sold out on all the websites for good reason……. Here is a rare opportunity!
- There is a video of this beautiful cue available on our business fb page Crossroad Cues Gallery Page